Prince Charles's Peculiar Dental Habit Reeks of Privilege

Prince Charles’ nickname among his staff is “the pampered prince” according to the new documentary by Princess Diana’s former butler, Paul Burrell. The next heir to the throne tries hard to understand the challenges of ordinary life but the shining lights of privilege and notoriety seem to blind him.

Even as a child he knew he was destined to be the future king and his spoiled upbringing validated it. Prince Charles found himself having to deal with the rigors of boarding school and royal protocols at a young age. He never appeared comfortable with his role but that didn’t stop him from reaping the benefits of a privileged lifestyle.

Though Prince Charles often didn’t fit into his parents’ idea of the perfect king-to-be, he still managed to enjoy the dazzling lavishness of royal celebrity.

Prince Charles was known as the Playboy prince

Like most young men of substantial means and recognizable status, Prince Charles was considered quite a playboy when he was in his twenties. Of course, his flirtation was limited to only young women with an acceptable family pedigree.

Each of his romantic interests was viewed as a potential princess so the desired expectations were higher than most. It is said Prince Charles once had a brief fling with Barbara Streisand but the rumor was never definitively confirmed.

Prince Charles fell in love with Camilla Shand (now the Duchess of Cornwall) at the age of 23. But most in the royal family did not see her as a suitable match for the Prince of Wales.

Like everything else in his seemingly predetermined life, Prince Charles accepted the family’s judgment and famously married Lady Diana Spencer, who was deemed a more satisfactory choice. It was a union doomed to fail and it did exactly that. 

Princess Diana didn’t turn out to be the docile wife Prince Charles thought he had settled for. She resented his pompous ways, verbally taunting his mannerisms and sense of privilege.

Scandal soon followed when it became clear Prince Charles was carrying on an affair with his first love, Camilla, and the fairy tale marriage of prince and princess fell apart.

Prince Charles’ strange habits

Being a future king has its perks including having an army of staff and servants to meet every one of your personal needs. Prince Charles manages to take the pampering to a whole new level.

Paul Burrell’s documentary about his habits is a surprising glimpse into a persnickety personality of someone who never really had to do anything for himself. His habits might be a little eccentric but they are also a little extreme.

The early morning routine of the Prince of Wales includes having a servant squeeze the toothpaste on the royal toothbrush. But a haphazard approach to this simple task is not tolerated. The royal heir requires exactly one inch of toothpaste is applied to the brush without compromise. His pajamas must be pressed to perfection each morning and his bathwater prepared to just the right temperature. 

Prince Charles is a quirky but stylish dresser who changes his clothes at least five times a day. He is a picky eater who will only eat his eggs when boiled for precisely seven minutes. He often brings his own food when he visits others and makes sure his vegetables are steamed in one particular kind of mineral water. It is said he sleeps in the nude but only a few people know for sure.

Prince Charles is a humanitarian

Despite Prince Charles’ uncommon ways and advantages, he truly has a soft spot for animals, nature, and the downtrodden.

Like his mother, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles has an affinity for all animals especially the red squirrels who romp on his Scottish estate. He not only feeds them, but he also gives them names even sometimes allowing the critters to scamper through his house.

Prince Charles loves to garden maintaining a personal relationship with his flowers which seem to always flourish. Maybe it’s because he talks to them, cajoling and encouraging them to grow. It seems to work.

The future King considers environmentalism one of his pet priorities staying on top of the climate change issues that are near and dear to his heart. 

The Prince of Wales is an avid supporter of countless charitable organizations from around the globe. Besides conservation interests, he represents charities working for the preservation of the arts, history, and cultural skills. He recently named pop star. Katy Perry, as the new ambassador of his British Asian Trust, a charity known for playing a major role in the fight against child trafficking in South Asia.
